The Outdoorsman
It was such an honor to be given the opportunity to create this upcycled bag for my client, Brittney. You see, her father passed away recently and she wanted something to remember him by. He was a big fisherman and she had one of his beloved fishing shirts and a pair of cargo shorts that she sent me. We discussed layout and she chose this world map fabric for the lining because he loved to travel. I decided we'd move pockets around to accomodate the cargo short real estate - one of the low hip pockets moved on top of a back (butt) pocket and same for his shirt lapel pocket - so she has layers of useable pockets on the outside as well as a zipper pocket on the inside. She requested an adjustable shoulder strap as well as the hand straps. This bag pays homage to her wonderful dad who lived so well.
If you're interested in your own custom upcycled memoriam here is what I have listed so far click here.